You will need to Limited Write People permission to perform this action.
Select the "edit section" icon within a family member's profile.
- OR -
Select the tab labeled "Relationships" then select the "edit section" icon.
Then, Click on the profile image to change the Family Manager. A green banner will appear on the profile picture of the person designated as the Family Manager of a particular family.
Additional Features of Family Manager
Only users with Full Account permission can perform this action.
Additionally, you can allow the family manager to edit other members of their family and add or drop members of their family.
From Contacts select the settings tab and then the options sub-tab.
Scroll down the page and set additional permissions for the family manager.
You can decide if you want to Allow Family Manager and their spouse to edit other members of their family.
Note: They will be able to edit the same fields they could for their own profile (except giving).
You can decide if you want to allow the Family Manager and their spouse to add or drop members of their family.
Note: This does NOT allow them to delete person profiles. Just disassociate them from their family. This will also allow them to create new person profiles.