Users must have the Full Write Promotions permissions to perform this action.
Promotion Tool
You can use the promotion tool to promote members from their old group to their new group. From there you can add groups and indicate who should move between them.
Add New Promotion Plan
The Promotion Tool is found under Automation > Promotion Plans in the left-hand Navigation menu. To Create a new Promotion Plan > select "Add New"
Add Steps to Promotion Plan
After you create the Promotion Plan, click on the "+ Add a step" button to indicate which groups to promote.
The "Add Promotion Step" pop up will appear. Select the "From" and "To" Groups. Then, be sure mark which members need to be promoted then save. You can add multiple promotions within one plan by adding additional steps.
If you select to Promote specific members or to Promote all except specific members, a new search field will appear for you to search for members within the group you want the changes to apply to.
Tip: Hold CTRL down on your keypad to select multiple names at once before moving them to the "selected" members
Edit Promotion Step
Click on an arrow between the groups to edit (or delete) the step you added
Execute Promotion Plan
Once you finished with the plan, be sure to "Execute" it to actually perform the promotions.