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Describes financial related permissions on a user's access rights.

Updated over 9 months ago

This section under the "Permissions" tab of a user's access rights controls general access to financial-related information in the system.

Limited Read Contributions

  • Can view and search for transactions from closed batches (including unmatched). The batch would have had to be created by the user.

  • Can view the preferred giving fund on all person profiles.

  • Can view the "Giving" tab on any person's profile, but only the "Transactions" sub-tab.

  • Can view unmatched transactions in batches they have access to

  • Can view the giving envelope listing.

  • Can view business listings.

  • Can view business records including the "Giving" tab.

Full Read Contributions

Users with this permission also have the Limited Read Contributions permission. 

  • Can view and search for transactions (including unmatched) from all batches (pending, open, and closed). The batch would have had to be created by the user.

  • Can download giving statements for any person.

  • Can view all active and inactive recurring schedules

  • Can run batch reports from the listing screen

  • Can view payment methods and text settings on a person's profile

Limited Write Contributions

Users with this permission also have the Limited Read Contributions permission. 

  • Can view, add, and edit the batches they create only.

  • Can add, edit, and delete transactions on batches the user created regardless of status

  • Can generate batch reports "Overview" and "Transaction Details."

  • Can match or ignore unmatched transactions for batches they have access to.

  • Can add, edit, and delete business records

  • Can create recurring schedules on behalf of another person

  • Can add, edit, and delete giving envelopes

  • Can charge credit cards on behalf of another person

  • Can update whether giving statements for a family should be individual or combined

Full Write Contributions

Users with this permission also have the Limited Read Contributions, Full Read Contributions, and Limited Write Contributions permissions. 

  • Can edit and delete existing recurring giving schedules

  • Can close, reopen, and delete transaction batches they created

  • Can sync a batch with the payment gateway (if supported)

  • Can edit and delete batches in bulk

  • Can add, edit, and delete payment methods on a person's profile

  • Can update text to give settings on a person's profile

Contributions Settings

  • Can add, edit, and delete giving funds

  • Can set which funds appear on the giving portal

  • Can toggle giving portal on and off

  • Has access to the embed code for the giving portal

  • Can set global preferred fund and preferred funds for all campus 

  • Can change payment gateway including being able to see credentials for the current payment gateway

  • Can update automatic batch naming convention

  • Can modify giving portal email templates

  • Can update email list for merchant receipts

Can Refund

Users with this permission also have the Limited Read Contributions

  • Can refund or void any transaction they have access to.

Permissions Full

Users with this permission also have the Permissions Limited permission.

  • Can assign any permission to a user, including the financial ones.

Unrestricted Batches

Users with this permission also have the Limited Read Contributions and Limited Write Contributions permissions. 

  • Can view all batches (other permissions still apply) including ones the user did not create. 

Note: without this permission (assuming they also have  Limited Read Contributions and Limited Write Contributions), the user will only be able to view transactions for open batches they created themselves. Once the batch is closed, they will no longer be able to see those transactions.

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