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Describes workflow related permissions on a user's access rights.

Updated over a week ago

This section under the "Permissions" tab of a user's access rights controls general access to workflow-related information in the system.

Access to a workflow and its associated processes is based on both the permissions the user has as well how they are connected to the workflow. 


First, we'll look at access based solely on whether they are an assignee on a process task or a manager/admin. A user can have one of the following roles within a workflow process.


  • Can complete assigned tasks

  • Can only see the assignments tab within a process. 

  • Cannot see workflow screen and the "Overview" area is limited to the following statuses: Not Started, In Progress, Past Due. 

  • Trigger area is hidden

  • Has read-only access to the process they are an assignee in. 

  • Only see assignment sub tabs which they have at least one task for. If no tasks, just a message appears.

  •  Workflow's menu item in the left navigation is hidden. 

  • Can see the queues menu items, but the listing is limited to their currently assigned tasks.

Workflow Admin

  • Can add, edit, and delete processes and tasks within a workflow. 

  • Can add process managers. 

  • Cannot edit workflow details, delete workflow, or add other admins.

  • Receives reassignment requests if the process does not have a manager.

Process Manager

  • Can add, edit, and delete tasks within the process. 

  • Has read-only access to associated workflow 

  • Can only see processes they are a manager for. 

  • Full access to process queues.

  • Receives reassignment requests.


If a user is not associated to a workflow process as an assignee or manager/admin, then their permissions are used to determine whether they have access.

Full Write Workflow

  • Can add, edit, and delete all workflows/processes/tasks. 

  • Can add workflow admins and process managers.

Full Read Workflows

  • Read-only access to all workflows and processes (can see who is in the queue). 

  • Read-only access to the list of tasks.

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