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How do I manage the giving designations?
How do I manage the giving designations?

Describes how to add, edit, and delete giving designations as well as set which appear in the giving portal.

Updated over 2 months ago

You will need the Contributions Settings permission to perform these actions.

When adding a transaction, you can specify details such as the designation, which will appear on giving statements. You can also determine if a designation is active, which can be selected from the giving portal and used for text giving. Additionally, you can assign a text-giving keyword to make it easier for donors to give to specific designations.

Adding a designation

Click on Contributions > Settings in the left-hand navigation menu. Then click on the "Designations" tab. Click on the "Add Designation" button.ย 

A pop-up will appear with the following fields:

  • Name - the name of the designation. This is what appears on the giving statement, giving portal, and confirmation emails.

  • Designation Code - the internal code for the designation. This does not appear in outside communication or the giving portal.

  • Description - text that appears when the designation is chosen on the giving portal or in batch.

  • Category - an optional category for the designation. Categories are used to group designations and make it easier to organize long lists of designations.

  • Campus - the campus this designation belongs to. It is suggested that any designations that are meant for a campus be linked to that campus.

  • Tax Deductible? - This determines the default setting when someone gives to this designation. You can override this on individual line items when adding new transactions manually to a batch. By default, non-tax deductible transactions are not included in giving statements.

  • Active? - If yes, the designation can given from the giving portal and text giving. Otherwise, you cannot. You also cannot create a transaction for this designation manually from within a batch.

  • Giving Portal - whether to allow giving to this designation from the giving portal. This setting does not affect text giving.

  • Text Giving: + Add text giving keyword - allowed keywords when using text giving. If none, this designation is not allowed for text giving.

  • Type - allows you to add either a text box or a drop-down field when this field is selected from the giving portal. Use this to gather more information when someone gives to this fund. This is not used for text giving.

Editing a designation

Click on the "Edit" button at the end of the row of the designation you want to edit. A pop-up will appear containing the designation details. Click on the "Save" button once you update the fields.

Deleting or merging a designation

Select the "Delete" button from the drop-down menu at the end of the row containing the fund you want to delete. A confirmation message will appear. Select "Yes" to finish removing the fund.

If there is a lock icon next to the designation name, this means the designation cannot be deleted because it is in use. However, you can merge it into another designation by choosing "Merge Into..." in the dropdown at the end of the row.

Merging a destination will update all previous transactions including closed batches. This will not affect accounting entries unless the batch is closed and reopened.

Deactivating a designation

Select "View" from the drop-down menu at the end of the row containing the fund you want to deactivate. A pop-up will display, and you will see "Active." Select "No" to deactivate the designation.


Recurring giving schedules would continue to process under the deactivated designation. Deactivating a designation does not affect giving schedules.

Setting the preferred designations

A preferred designation is a designation that is automatically selected for a person when using the giving portal or text giving. The system will first use the preferred designation on the person's profile. If there is none, the preferred designation for the campus they attend is used. Otherwise, the Global Preferred designation is used.

To manage the preferred designations, hover over the "Preferred Designations" section and click on the "edit section." A pop-up will appear where you can update the designations. When done, click on the "Save" button to finish.

Configuring the giving portal designations

You can organize how funds appear in the giving portal by going to the "Merchants" tab and clicking on the appropriate merchant under the "Account Listing" section. A pop-up will appear containing all giving portal settings. Scroll down to the section named "Designations." From there, you can easily indicate which should be available to online donors as well as control the order they appear.

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