All Collections
Learn about online giving as well as how to track contributions and pledges for your organization.
55 articles
Training Videos for the Contributions Module
How do you generate end-of-year giving statements?
How does Text-to-Give work?
How to update Deposit Bank Account
How do I manage the giving designations?
How to do I change the order of designations on the Giving Portal?
How do I change the Designation Code?
How do I set up One Church Giving?
Know Your Client (KYC) requirements when enrolling in One Church Giving.
Can I temporarily disable the giving portal?
How can I change the confirmation emails that get sent out when someone gives?
How do I generate giving statements for multiple people?
How do I embed the giving portal on our website?
Can I Text-to-Give to a specific designation?
How do I create a seperate giving portal?
How do I record tithes and offerings from a Sunday service?
What is a batch?
When are deposits made?
How do I create a batch?
How do I add contributions?
How do I enter an in-kind contribution?
How do I edit an existing batch?
How do I delete a batch?
How do I close/post a contribution batch?
How do I find and reopen a closed batch?
What batch reports are available?
What are unmatched contributions?
How can I view open and pending batches?
How can I download a PDF of a batch?
How do I refund a donation?
How do I handle chargebacks?
How do I handle a returned check?
What is an ACH Return?
How do I move transactions between batches?