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When are deposits made?

Describes how long after a payment is processed before the deposit is expected.

Updated over 11 months ago

This article only applies to customers using our online giving platform, One Church Giving.

In general, money from credit/debit card transactions is deposited into the church’s account within 1 - 2 business days. Money from ACH (e-check, known as automated clearinghouse) transactions are deposited within 2 - 4 business days.

Due to the different timeframes on when deposits are made between ACH and credit/debit card transactions, One Church separates credit/debit card and ACH transactions into separate batches based on the day they were processed.

The rest of the article goes into more detail on the timeline of deposits.

Credit/Debit Cards

For credit/debit cards, any transaction that is before the cut-off time of 9:00 pm ET should be deposited the next morning. The exception to this would be days when the bank is closed, causing the deposit to be made on the next business day.

A single credit/debit card batch in One Church always equals a single deposit in your bank account. These normally have a descriptor containing the text "5/3 Bankcard" in the bank statement line item.

ACH (e-check)

For ACH, generally, one batch in One Church equals a deposit as well. However, there is one exception. Unlike credit cards, two ACH batches can be combined into a single deposit. This almost always happens if the processing days for those ACH batches are on a Friday or Sunday. In these cases, the deposit will be combined and normally completed within 3 to 5 business days from the following Monday.

ACH batches for One Church Giving, which are part of a combined batch, are labeled as such from the listing and within the batch details. Details for each batch in a combined batch (first screenshot below) are visible from within each batch as well within the Overview box (second screenshot below).

ACH deposits would appear with a descriptor containing the text "PDS GW28" in the bank statement line item.

Finally, please note, that banks may choose when the funds are available to the merchant.

Helpful Tips

  • We highly recommend you close batches in One Church once you've confirmed the deposit is in your bank account. Until then, keep them open.

  • If you have a deposit in your bank account with the text "PDS GW28" that doesn't match a single ACH batch in One Church, it is most likely a combined deposit from the previous Friday and Sunday ACH batches. If you follow the previous tip and only close batches that you confirm have been deposited, these should be easy to find.

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