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Member Navigation Guide

Overview of Members capabilities within One Church

Updated over 8 months ago

Welcome to One Church Software! This tool will help you stay connected and engaged with your church.

Access One Church Software
When accessing the system through your browser or App you will be able to interact with various ministries in your church based upon what data your church has made public. Such as Groups, Events, Sermons, and more!

Depending on how your church plans to use the software you may start receiving communication via email or text regarding volunteering opportunities or other initiatives.

Many of these requests can be answered directly from your email without logging in. But your church may also decide to give you direct access to the system as well. When that is the case, you will be able to log into the system view and edit your profile and navigate to areas where you have been given access.

**If you are curious why your view looks different than these examples please contact an administrator at your church**

Log in Portal
Each church has their own log in portal, specific to them with a unique URL. An administrator at your church with have that specific URL.

If your church has granted you access to the system, you should receive an email with Login instructions. It is important to know that the system does allows individuals within the church to register for access as well.

While registering, if the system says you already have an account but you do not remember your password, click on the "Forgot Password Link" at the bottom of the screen to reset your password.

Enter the email address you used to register your account and click "Submit"

Dashboard View
After logging into the system you will be greeted with the main dashboard view.

The main navigation is located on the left. Where you have access to various modules within One Church Software. Remember that your view may look different than the one in the example, because each church can decide which modules are visible to users.

If your church has one Church Giving enabled you are able to Give by selecting the "Give Now" button in the top left.

View Profile
You can also view and edit your profile by selecting the "View my Profile" text at the top left navigation. Or by selecting your name in the top right of the software and then select "Profile"

Make changes to your Profile
Within your profile there will be tabs along the top. If you would like to make changes to your profile: Select Actions > Edit profile or you can select the edit section text that appears when you hover over the section title area under the Info Tab

Explore modules you have access to
While logged into the system take the time to look around and explore the various modules and options available to you. We tried to make the system extremely intuitive and user friendly. But if you have any questions you can visit:

We are excited your church has chosen to use One Church Software and we're excited to have you on the platform!

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