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How do I add an event?

Describes how to add an event.

Updated over 7 months ago

You will need the Full Write Events permission to perform this action.

There are a few ways you can add a new event to One Church Software. The first is to click on the "New" drop down menu at the top of any page, and click on "Event." 

The other way is to navigate to the event calendar and click on the day in the calendar when the event starts. You can also click and drag a date range to add an event which spans the highlighted days. Clicking on the "Add New" button next to the header will also work.

Regardless of which method you choose, a pop up will appear where you can enter the details for this event. The following fields are available:


The general tab provides basic information about the event.

  • Name - the title of the event. This field is required.

  • Description - a description for the event. This field accepts arbitrary HTML so you can add videos, images, and format the text.


  • Calendar - the calendar you would like this event to appear on. See this article for more information on how to manage the list of calendars.

  • Categories - select the categories this event applies to. You can click on the label to edit the list of available categories. You will need the Full Write Events permission to do so. Categories added here are available for all events regardless of calendar.

  • Target Audience - the campus this event is meant for. This does not necessarily mean the event takes place at that campus, but instead will allow this event to also appear on the campus event calendar.


The meeting tab allows you to set when and where the event takes place.

Rooms and Resources

  • Needed? - whether this event needs to reserve any rooms or items. If yes, any additional setup and cleanup needed can be set. Read this article for more information.


  • Date  - the day the event starts. By default, the event is an all day non repeating event.

Event Time(s)
If the event takes place at a specific time or multiple times on the same day, uncheck the "All day" check box. With that unchecked, the "Times" field will appear as shown below.

Click on the "manage event times" button to open a pop up where you can specify one or more event times. 

The following fields are available on each time:

  • Name - a special name for the time. This is optional and will default to simply the time of the event (e.g. "3:45 pm") if left blank.

  • Start Time - the time the event starts. This is a required field

  • End Time - the time the event ends.

  • Start Check-In - if the event is set to track attendance, this is the earliest time the check-in system should allow check-ins from a station for the associated event time.

  • End Check-In - if the event is set to track attendance, this is the time when the check-in system will no longer allow check-ins from a station for the associated event time.

Recurring Events
If the event spans more than a single day (e.g.  every week, or every day up to a date), check the "Event repeats" checkbox.

The following additional fields will appear:

  • How Often? - this specifies the repeat time interval of the event. Possible options are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly.

  • Repeats Every - the frequency (e.g. every 2 weeks, every 1 days)

  • Recurring Event Ends - if "Never", the event will repeat using the above repeat schedule indefinitely. If "After", the event will stop repeating after the specified number of occurrences. If "On", the event will stop repeating on the day specified.

The blue area will summarize the recurring event settings you chose to help you verify it was set up as intended.


This area is where you would enter the address of where the event takes place. You can click on the "Use Campus Address" button to search for a campus and import the address for you.


This tab contains configuration settings for the event.

Registration Settings

  • Require registration? - whether this event should collect sign ups. If set to "Yes", the rest of the fields in this section appear.

  • Registration form - the sign up form to use for registration. This defaults to the "Generic Event Sign Up" form which comes built in. This form only collects name, email, and phone number. You can design your own custom sign up form to use. See this article for more information on custom forms. Tip: If you require payment to sign up for the event, add a ticket/item field to the registration form and make it required. We also recommend any form you use for event registration be marked as "Not Listed" so that people do not fill out the form apart from the event. If they do so, they will not be added as an attendee on the event.

  • Sign up type - this field controls what happens when someone signs up for a repeating event. If set to "Each sign up is for a specific day", the person can register for each day of a repeating event separately. However, if this is set to "Each sign up is for all days", when a person registers, they are actually signing up for all days the event occurs on. Important: if there is at least one sign up on the event, this field will become read-only.

  • Registration Start - the date and time the registrations will be accepted. If set, anyone who tries to sign up for the event will see a message notifying them registration is not open yet.

  • Registration Deadline - the date and time that registrations will no longer be accepted through the registration form. You can still manually add guests, however. Leave blank to use the event start date and time as the deadline.

  • Message - additional message to include in the confirmation email when someone signs up.

Other Options

  • Enable attendance tracking via check-in system? - whether you want to track attendance. Checking this option will allow you to use the check-in system with this event as well. See this article for more information on how to perform check-ins and customize the check-in experience.

  • Show organizers to guests? - whether to show the list of event organizers to users viewing the event. Admins can always see organizers.

  • Allow attendees to see who is coming - if signed up for the event, whether the person can also see who else is going.

  • Notify organizers when guests RSVP or changes status - whether the event organizers should be notified whenever someone signs up for the event or changes their RSVP status.

When you are finished entering in all the data, click on "Save" to finish adding the event. You will be redirected to the newly created event. You can check "Keep open and add another" if you are adding multiple events at once.

Helpful Tip

  • The user who created the event is automatically added as an organizer on the event.


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