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How do I manage my accounts receivable?
How do I manage my accounts receivable?

Describes how to add, edit, and delete transactions in your accounts receivable.

Updated over a week ago

You will need the Full Write Accounting permission to perform this action.

Accounts Receivable is money that is owed to your organization (but not paid yet) and is expressed as an asset in your chart of accounts. Managing your accounts receivable can be done by going to Accounting > Receivables in the left-hand menu.

This screen contains all currently outstanding receivables in the table by default (i.e. those that have a remaining balance). To see previously paid receivables, click on the green Filtered button, and clear the filters (or change the Paid? filter to Yes).

The "Search Results Overview" section at the top of the page shows receivables based on age. Clicking on an amount will open those invoices in a pop up to record an offline payment. See this article for more information on recording an offline payment.

To delete an existing receivable, locate it in the table and use the dropdown at the end of the row to choose "Delete."

Adding a new receivable

From here, you can add a new receivable by clicking on the "Add New" button at the top.

A pop up will open with the following fields:

How Often?

You can either create a one time or repeating receivable. Choose "one time" if you are adding a specific receivable owed. Choose "repeating" if you want the system to periodically create receivables or remind you of money that is coming due by someone.

Note: any repeating receivables you create can be viewed (and cancelled) by going to Accounting > Receivables > Repeating from the left hand menu.


Required. The receivables account for this transaction. The dropdown will only contain those accounts in the chart of account that have a Special Usage of "Accounts Receivable." If your dropdown is empty, it is because you haven't designated at least one account to serve in this capacity. See this article for more information on setting the Special Usage on an account.

Adding a receivable to the system will increase the balance on the selected account.

Invoice #

Only appears when How Often? is set to One Time. Required. This is the invoice number for this receivable. It will appear on the invoice sent to the customer for payment.


An optional subject line briefly summarizing the reason for the invoice.

Invoice Date

Only appears when How Often? is set to One Time. Required. The date the invoice was sent to the customer for payment.


When payment is due after receipt of the invoice. Possible values are:

  • None - no specific terms. Due by the date entered in the Due Date field.

  • Due on receipt - payment is due immediately

  • Net 15 - due within 15 days of the invoice date

  • Net 30 - due within 30 days of the invoice date

  • Net 45 - due within 45 days of the invoice date

  • Net 60 - due within 60 days of the invoice date

Selecting any value besides "None" will auto populate the Due Date with the correct date based on the terms.

Due Date

Only appears when How Often? is set to One Time. Required. The date payment is due for this invoice. It is auto populated based on the terms selected, but can be overridden if needed.


Required. The person or vendor that is required to pay this invoice. Begin typing to search for person and vendor records. Each result is labeled as Person or Business depending on the kind of profile it is. If the payee you are looking for is not in the list, click on "Add a new payee" at the bottom to create a new payee.

Tip: the list of businesses can managed by going to Contributions > Businesses in the left hand menu

Repeating Schedule

Only appears when How Often? is set to Repeating.


If set to scheduled, this receivable will be automatically created based on the repeating schedule set in this section.

If set to Reminder, no receivable will be automatically created. Instead, a reminder email will be sent to the person indicated using the repeating schedule set.

Line Items

This section contains the individual line items on the invoice. Only income accounts are selectable in the account field. It is recommended to always include a description for each line item so the payee understands the reason for the charge. The amount is how much they must pay.

To add more line items, click on the "Add lines" button. To delete a line item, click on the trash icon at the end of the row to delete.


Any files you want to include with the invoice should be uploaded here.


Optional notes you want to appear on the invoice can be entered here.

Payment Options

This section only appears if you have One Church Giving enabled since this is required to accept payments online. For more information on enabling our payment platform, please see this article.

Tip: The payment options that appear by default can be set by going to Accounting > Receivables > Settings from the left hand menu and editing the "Default Payment Options" section.

Allow online payment?

If set to no, payees will not be able to pay this invoice online. Payment will need to be collected in another manner.

Allow partial payment?

If no, invoice must be paid in full when paying online. If yes, the payee will be able to choose any amount less than or equal to the remaining balance when paying online.


Required. The merchant account to use when paying this invoice. Merchant accounts are created when you enroll in One Church Giving. Only merchants that you've specifically allowed to accept invoice payments will appear in the list. This field also controls which cash account money is deposited into within the general ledger.

To whitelist a merchant, go to Contributions > Settings > Merchants from the left hand menu and then click on the merchant in the Account Listing table. In the pop up, locate the Invoice Payments dropdown near the top and choose the cash account you want to use for payments. Only accounts that have a Special Usage of "Cash Account" will appear in this list. See this article for how to set the special usage on an account in your chart of accounts.

As an example: The screenshot below shows how to allow the Main merchant account to accept invoice payments online. Payments will be deposited into the 1000 - Checking account.

After following the steps above, that merchant will be available to choose in the Merchant dropdown when creating the receivable.

Add processing fees?

Whether payment processing fees should be added to the invoice balance. For example, if your processing fee is 2.7% for credit cards and the invoice amount due is $100, this will change the amount the customer must pay to be $102.70. Your church will then net $100 in the bank as a result. The payee would have paid the processing fees.

Setting this field to No will result in the church paying the processing fees so you will net less than the invoice amount in the bank.

Allowed payment methods

At least one payment option must be checked. Note that ACH payments incur a much lower processing fee than credit/debit cards. However, payees are normally accustomed to paying invoices via credit/debit cards. Which option you choose is up to you, but both are checked by default.

Email Invoice

This section lets you indicate whether a copy of this invoice along with payment instructions should be sent to the payee upon save. If set to Yes, an email editor will appear letting you indicate who the invoice will be from, the subject line and body.

In the email editor, use the "Personalize" dropdown to add placeholders to the email body that will be replaced with the info specified. The only placeholder that is required is the {invoice_link} variable since that contains the link to the invoice itself.

Tip: The default subject and email body can be edited by going to Accounting > Receivables > Settings from the left hand menu and editing the "Default Invoice Email" section.

Viewing the invoice online

The customer will be able to access their invoice online from any web-enabled device. Below is an example of how the invoice looks:

1. Pay Invoice

If online payment is supported and enabled on the invoice, this button will allow them to pay the invoice. Payment options available are determined by the settings on the invoice. See previous sections for more details. If the invoice allows for partial payments, the payee will be able to choose who much to pay. The amount defaults to the remaining balance.

2. Download PDF

Clicking on this button will allow the user to download a PDF copy of the invoice.

3. Contact Info

This section contains contact info for your organization. It is populated using information found under Account Settings > Info > Contact from the top of the side menu in One Church.

The logo that appears at the top is the same as the one uploaded to Accounting > Settings > Info > Logo from the top of the side menu. However, you can override it if needed by going to Accounting > Receivables > Settings from the side menu and uploading an image to the Invoice Logo field.

4. Invoice Details

This area contains general details regarding the invoice such as the invoice number, who was billed, the due date and amount due.

5. Line Items

Each invoice line item is shown here along with the subject line (if any).

6. Remaining Balance

Total invoice amount as well as previous payments and remaining balance is shown in this section. Once the Amount Due is $0.00, the invoice is considered fully paid.

Once you complete the required fields, click on the "Save" button in the lower right of the pop up to save.

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