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How do I add a service plan?

Shows how you can create a new service plan.

Updated over a year ago

You will need the Full Write Service Plans permission to perform this action.

There are two ways to add a service plan. The first is by going to New > Service Plan in the top header.

Alternatively, you can go to "Service Planning" from the left-hand menu and then click on the "Add New" button at the top.

Regardless of what method you choose, a pop up will appear where you can enter the details of the service plan.
The following fields are available:

  • Type - the type of service (defaults to Worship Service, but this can be changed). Service type determines different default settings on a service plan. This can be changed later if needed. See this article for more information on managing service types.

  • Copy Times From - defaults to the last service plan created for the chosen service type. If this is the first plan created, then it will default to None - no times.

  • How many? - controls how many service plans to create. You can create up to 12 service plans at once.

    The dates and times for each are determined as follows:

    • The frequency between each subsequent plan is determined by the frequency setting of the chosen service type (i.e. if weekly, then each plan will be one week apart).

    • The dates are determined by the date chosen. The first plan will be on that date and each plan afterwards will follow that service type frequency

    • The times on each plan will be taken from the plan chosen to copy times from earlier.

  • Campus - if your subscription supports multi-campus, this field allows you to indicate which campus this plan is for. Leave blank if it's a universal plan.

As fields are updated, the Preview area will show the service plans that will be created. Each plan is named after the dates the services will occur on (can be multiple). Hovering over the info icon will show a breakdown of the dates and times.

Next to each plan preview is a dropdown that lets you specify which template should be used to create the plan. Templates let you preconfigure an order of service, needed teams, and assigned volunteers. See this article for more information on creating and editing templates.

Checking the "lock" option in the Preview header will allow you to change all plan templates at the same time. Unlock to change one at a time.

Once you are finished, click on the "Add" button to create the service plan(s). You'll then be redirected to the earliest service plan created.


Helpful Tip

  • If this is the first service plan you are creating in the system, it's recommended to only create a single one and leave "Copy Times From" as None - no times. On that newly created plan, you can add the times you typically plan/schedule for (i.e. the service times). Then next time you create service plans, those times will automatically be created for you and then you can, moving forward, create many plans in bulk.

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