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Design custom forms to gather any information you're interested in.
19 articles
Training Video for the Forms Module
How do I create a connection card?
Getting Started
How do I add a form?
How do I design a form?
How do I edit an existing form?
How do I delete a form?
How do I start gathering submissions for a form?
How do I view submissions on a form?
How do I add a custom form to an event or group?
Advanced Features
How do I create a form with an electronic signature?
How do I connect people to form item/ticket fields?
Can I use One Church to sell merchandise?
How do Conditional Fields work?
How do I design a form that accepts multiple registrants?
How do I take donations through a form?
How do I add automation to a form?
What is a promo code, and how do I add one?
How do I set who gets notified when new form submissions are entered?